Below are links to folders containing example sermons. I have selected a variety of sermons types, some from a Bible book series, some topical. The second file with the same name is the PDF of the sermon PowerPoint presentation. Thus, if a video was used during the sermon, this will not come through in the PDF file, you will only hear the audio from that video clip. Additional sermons are available from my years at Plymouth Alliance Church 2014 to 2019 by clicking here.
In addition to the above sermon examples I did question and answer Sundays about twice per year. I called these "Stump the Pastor". People were encouraged to invite their curious and inquiring friends to come and hear impromptu questions addressed by their pastor. These Sundays became popular outreach opportunities. Below find the link to one Sunday's recordings.
Go to the Sermon page of Kiel Alliance Church December, 2021 to June 5, 2022. Simply scroll down to any of those dates and most of those Sundays I preached.
Here is a sermon preached at Bozeman, MT Alliance Fellowship on 2/14/2021. Link
Or, go to Journey Church (October to December, 2022) sermon page: Link